Saturday, 5 July 2014

Review - 4160 Tuesdays "The Dark Heart of Old Havana"

I like it but I wouldn't wear it regularly.

It's skanky sweet, filthy nasty. Yet it absolutely works.

I can totally see why it has divided opinion online, however it suffers from the expectation curse whereby people read "Havana" and wanted it to smell a certain way, thereby disregarding what it actually smells like.

And it actually smells like a dirty dusty alley with an old washer woman sitting on a wooden crate stirring a pot of boiling fruit with the peels piled by the side and dogs running around between her bare blackened feet.

Boiled Fruit - Sweet Stench

The camera pans back and upward and you see the depth and darkness of the winding alleys with seedy hatted men flicking ash from their fingers and coins into piles.

Dirty Old Streets - Dusty

I guess some would argue that you shouldn't have to explain a scent to appreciate it?
For me the explanation adds emphasis and detail to the construction.

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